Curious about those Whirling Dervish Guys in Turkey?

Find out what makes this crew so mysterious...

Seriously, what is a whirling dervish dude? 

Formerly a religious ceremony, this experience in Cappadocia is now more of a show. And, I don’t think that’s a bad thing. Several men walk in and typically one whirling dervish plays a string instrument, another plays the drums and one sings. If you have a more elaborate setup, more dervishes will be involved – this will give you insights to what is a Whirling Dervish.

a whirling dervish story

More cathartic than I thought…

Initially, someone comes in and announces that photography is prohibited. Brace yourself, the audience begins complaining immediately. It felt like someone let the air out of the room. However, do not despair, because staffers allow you to photograph until your hearts content at the end. And, it’s actually easier this way. 

whirling dervish drawing

If people were holding cameras over their heads during the show, it would have been difficult to see the stage. 

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The ambience.

When the lights are dimmed, the atmosphere is more moving than I expected. And, it’s interesting to watch modern illumination emphasize a conservative ceremony. I was surprised that black lights were juxtaposed against a traditional sensibility, but it certainly melded together more seamlessly than I expected.

Whirling dervish fashion.

The men entered the stage wearing the classic white outfit and hats with serious height. Black cloaks were draped over their pre Labor Day ensembles. After staring at their outfits, I realized that the pleats which create that fabulous sense of drama are almost hidden.

At first glance, the folds are easy to miss. But, when you see a whirling dervish go to work, you understand how much fabric is involved.

Another trick I realized is that the skirts are weighted down. I kept wondering how the material spirals out at the same height for everyone. And, I think that reinforced seams solves that mystery.

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The good stuff, the spinning!

After the initial whirling dervish kisses the ground, everyone else slaps the floor, hard. There is an elaborate series of bowing. Seriously, this must be the most polite group of people on the planet. Then, the twirling begins, and it is ethereal.

Quite honestly, I have no idea how the dancers don’t fall over from dizziness. Everyone slowly moves their arms in deliberate positions. And, there is a quiet beauty within their graceful movements. 

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The mystique of the seventh whirling dervish…

Interestingly enough, the seventh dervish is the last man to enter the room, and he does not pirouette. I kept thinking up elaborate backstories for this guy. Like, he must be the most interesting man in the world. And, since he basically controls the dance floor as he weaves in between the twirlers, I imagined him living a top secret life of decadence.

the seventh dervish

I pictured him jet setting around the planet in dark sunglasses. He parties everywhere from London to Paris then returns to the stage with no one the wiser.

I imagined this international man of mystery draped in cloak and dagger secrecy. Every time a global incident goes down, the seventh whirling dervish is on the scene. I even started wondering if he is actually Banksy. Probably not, but we don’t know his many aliases. So, you never know.

I assume his presence actually symbolizes the passing of this art form to the younger generation. But, to me, the seventh whirling dervish will forever be a clandestine man of illusive stealth.

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A bit hypnotic.

Definitely compelling, each whirling dervish casts a spell over the audience. If you get into it, the experience is almost transcendent. However, if you are snapping photos, or worse, talking to your neighbor (the woman next to me wouldn’t be quiet), the experience will be lost on you.

Just realize that you will most likely not understand anything they are saying or singing. However, I don’t think that’s necessary to enjoy the performance.

Given the angsty audience, I assume the majority of the crowd misunderstood what a whirling dervish performance is actually about. I only bring this up because you should make sure you enjoy yourself among the hot air balloons and fairy chimneys in Cappadocia.

Pro Tip: If you are looking for a lively show, you will be better served by the belly dancers.

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The whirling dervish experience is not exactly fun, but it’s certainly interesting. I did not understand all of it, but it still felt culturally significant. It lasts less than an hour, so it easily holds your attention, and I think it’s a great show to see before dinner. If nothing else, you get quality time with the seventh dervish. And isn’t that what this adventure is really about?

whirling dervish figures
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  1. so cool that you got to see them! i saw a performance in miami when i was a travel magazine editor there… some dervishes came to promote tourism in the middle east & it was just hypnotic.

  2. Turkey is high up on my bucket list. I would love to visit one day! The whirling dervish sounds like a great cultural experience and something that I have not heard of before. Thank you for the information!

  3. Wow I think this would be pretty interesting to see. Like you said it might get a bit boring for some, but I bet it’s an interesting cultural experience 🙂

  4. What a fascinating guide! I can imaging the whirling is so hypnotic! I love discovering these cultural gems while I’m travelling and I’d love to experience the event in person. Thanks for the great guide!

  5. This is so interesting. I never heard of the dervish, now I really want to see it. I love your tip about photos, and not stressing when they say no. Also, the Bansky reference made me smile. But really it’s the whirling that captured me.

  6. Dervis monks still exist, but maybe in Cappadocia, they do the whirling thing as a show. It symbolizes the universe, where everything spins.

  7. I have been curious about them ever since I did a spin session “in Turkey”. How neat! Thanks for filling in more details for me!

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