The Kubbe Istanbul: Everything You Need to Know

A flock of seagulls!

Bird watching at the Kubbe in Istanbul.

Sitting on a random rooftop overlooking Old Town, is a seemingly unassuming experience, the Kubbe.

Why go to the Kubbe i ask cafe in Istanbul?

Turkish Rugs are overflowing with silk pillows as fluffy stray cats nap on these sumptuous heaps of softness. Initially, this rooftop appears a bit like a scene out of Cappadocia. But, look a little closer and you will instantly notice key differences. At the Kubbe, seagulls take the place of hot air balloons. And, you will catch views of Istanbul’s sophisticated landscape instead of dreamlike fairy chimneys.

For me, the Kubbe Istanbul remains one of those quintessential wanderlust surprises that travelers dream about. It’s the kind of experience you see splashed across magazines, but you just know that you will never stumble into anything quite like this spellbinding utopia, no matter how hard you look for it. It was genuinely a shock, because I had no idea this place existed when I was planning out my day.

Why seagulls?

An older man walks around throwing raw chicken in the air, and that’s why seagulls materialize out of nowhere. And when I say seagulls, you can’t imagine how many descend on you. It is magical. Don’t worry, he’s careful not to get any on you. But, even if he does, my prediction is that you will be so consumed with the birds that you won’t notice.

Bonus, the gentleman is dressed up in a traditional Turkish costume, and he sings beautiful folk melodies. Clearly organized for the perfect photo opportunity, it’s surreal. And, I loved every second of it.

The kubbe istanbul

Practical things you need to know about the Kubbe:

  • First of all, don’t be put off when you are looking for the Kubbe, because it’s not that easy to find. While it’s not located in a scary neighborhood, it lacks a bit of the charm that you see throughout the rest of Istanbul. Just don’t be dissuaded, because it really is worth the hassle. I went down a bunch of different alleyways when I was navigating around. If I can find it, trust me you can too!
  • You definitely need tons of daylight to enjoy the Kubbe, so make sure to head here in the afternoon. I know this seems like an obvious detail, but there is no shortage of places to visit throughout Turkey. So, if you go here late in the evening, then you will miss out on the swooping seagulls.
  • The stairs leading up to the Kubbe rooftop are steep and skinny. Loads of females are wearing long, flowy dresses, and it’s really easy to trip. Walk with care, because the ground is uneven. And if you want to play it really safe, wear sneakers.
  • Make sure to wear closed toe shoes when you walk over to the carpet. The Kubbe experience might be ethereal, but I’m pretty sure that bird droppings are on the floor. The staff is constantly cleaning, but with that many seagulls hovering overhead, there is only so much you can do. And, don’t worry, you will not be sitting in any bird poop. However, I still suggest washing your hands immediately after you are done.
  • This is a difficult location for taking a selfie. Translation, either have a friend with you who is willing to take your picture or bring a tripod and a remote control. Trust me, you will be disappointed if you don’t commemorate your afternoon at the Kubbe.
  • Most importantly, don’t forget to smile, because this is an unbelievable day!
Standing at the Kubbe in Istanbul.


    • Yeah, it honestly feels like the hot air balloons were swapped out for seagulls. As for the raw chicken, I didn’t love it, because I am a vegetarian. But, it truly is a lovely experience.

  1. On the travel wish list! Would love to visit Istanbul. And I will have to add Kubbe Istanbul to the list of things to do. The views looks stunning. Although I might be freaked out if I was totally swarmed. Maybe I will be the photographer and hubby can get swarmed!

  2. Your pictures are certainly fantastic – full of fun and life. But also full of seagulls and that would scare me to death. Living close to the coast, I know how…determined these birds can be.
    Nevertheless, a great tip for my next Istanbul trip 🙂

    • I get it … the seagulls might not be for everybody. However, they really are quite magical on this rooftop overlooking the city.

  3. This is so random I…actually kind of love it. I can’t think of another place where throwing raw chicken at birds is something you can pay for.

    • Haha … that’s totally true! Even if the birds aren’t your thing, the view is breathtaking. And, the gentleman singing old Turkish folk tunes is quite calming.

  4. Wow this very random. I don’t think I’d be interested in the seagulls, I live near the coast and deal with them most days but the views and being able to relax there would be amazing. Instanbul is a magical place, I’ve only ever been for work or passed through for work but would love to go back and see the place.

    • Hi there. I really love Istanbul. And as you know, if seagulls aren’t for you, there are a million things to do. It’s a spectacular city!

  5. I think I might have seen a few photos of this place on ig. Now I know exactly where to go. Looks so magical! I’d be worried about bird poop too, but for this kind of photo op, I think it’s worth it. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    • Hi there. Yes, there will be a decent amount of bird poop. Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid it. I tried! However, it is a lot of fun if you are up for an adventure.

  6. Wow this is so unique! I’ve only been to turkey once briefly, but Istanbul is high on my list! As much as bird freak me out this does look kinda cool! Great pictures!

    • If birds truly freak you out, this might not be the adventure for you. But, Istanbul is a magical city. I spent a month there, and I hated leaving!!

  7. Wow this is so unique! I’ve only been to turkey once briefly, but Istanbul is high on my list! As much as bird freak me out this does look kinda cool! Great pictures!! 🙂

    • If the birds annoy you, then opt for a different experience. I promise that you will never run out of activities in Istanbul.

  8. We haven’t been to Istanbul yet, but it is definitely on our bucket list. The views from Kubbe are amazing – I’ll make sure to visit in the afternoon as you have mentioned for that view. I have to admit that having so many seagulls flying all around might freak me out somewhat but the view sure seems worthwhile.

    • I loved this place, but if the seagulls freak you out, definitely go to a different destination for this killer view. Istanbul is amazing, so I wish you happy travels when you visit!

  9. I have been to Turkey many times, and have explored Istanbul, but I have to admit, that I have never heard of Kubbe until I read your post! Looks like an authentic experience that is worth trying for the sweeping views of the city!

    • Hi there. I loved this experience, and I highly recommend it! If you are up for an adventure, then you will love it!!!

  10. Thank yo for sharing this finally! I see this photospot all over social media, but no ones seems to want to share the exact location. I’ve been to Istanbul many times and didn’t find it. No surprise really, it’s a massive city with so much to see and do. I am so happy that I can find it next time, thank you

    • Hi there. I must agree that Istanbul is amazing. I love this city so much! It annoys me that most people purposely refuse to share the name of the place that they visited. And, they leave out details that make it seem as though they effortlessly arrived their location by a golden parachute. LOL! Sorry, it’s just a pet peeve of mine. Anyway, if you are up for an adventure, then you will have fun at the Kubbe!

  11. These photos are amazing! I’m not sure I’ve ever seen seagulls looking so photogenic! This sounds like such a fun and memorable travel experience! I’m definitely adding it to my Istanbul itinerary! Thanks for the great guide!

    • Hi there! I loved this experience. I had so much fun, and the seagulls sure do look pretty. LOL! It’s not the easiest place to find, but it really is a delightful afternoon if you are up for an adventure.

    • It’s not the easiest place to find, and I know that most people aren’t fans of seagulls. I was smitten with this experience, but it’s definitely not for everyone. I just want people to understand what is actually going on in these photos. Either way, Istanbul is a magical place. Happy travels!

    • My pleasure! Sometimes I get so frustrated when people act like certain images just sort of happened by accident. I totally think the Kubbe is worth the hassle … I loved it!!!! But, I acknowledge that it’s not for everyone. If you go, have tons of fun.

  12. Oh I’ve been wanting to know a bit more information about this place, especially some more practical, ‘behind the perfect Insta shot’ ones. Thanks for all the tips Jamie, now I can’t wait to experience it myself.

    • Hi there, I’m so glad you found this helpful. That makes my day! Yes, there are some weird and awkward things going on behind the scenes here. But, it’s such a cool experience that I totally think it’s worth it. If you go here in the future, have fun! If not, Istanbul is jam backed with other amazing experiences. I miss this city so much!!

  13. Wow. This looks like a wonderful experience. I love the Turkish Rugs, they really make it authentic. Thanks for being honest about the raw chicken, it’s something people need to know before they go! The view looks out of this world!

    • Hi there, no problem! I didn’t love the raw chicken, especially because I don’t eat meat. But, the experience is amazing. If it’s not for you, there a million things to do in Istanbul!

  14. I always wondered why there were so many birds here and thought it might be photoshopped! I would definitely be freaking out as I’m not a big bird fan – but maybe it’s worth it for the cool photo!

    • Haha…no Photoshop involved with these seagulls! If they freak you out, no worries. Istanbul is overflowing with amazing activities 😉

    • Hi, it might not be the activity for you. But, Istanbul is culturally rich with amazing activities that don’t involve seagulls. Either way, it’s a stunning place 😉

  15. The pictures are fantastic but this is literally my worst nightmare! LOL I watched the movie birds waaaayy too young and never got over it. I would arm myself with a blanket over my head so I could enjoy the views!

    • Thanks for your kind remarks! If the birds aren’t your thing, there a million other activities. Istanbul is an amazing city!

    • I totally understand, and it seems like a lot of people aren’t feeling the birds. There is a lot to do in Istanbul if the birds aren’t quite your speed. Happy travels in the future, my friend!

    • It’s a super fun afternoon. However, if the birds aren’t your idea of a good time, Istanbul is packed with amazing experiences.

  16. This is such a beautiful spot, and Istanbul is on my list of places I can’t wait to visit! I’m a little scared of birds lol, but I think it’s worth the view!

    • If the birds aren’t for you, there is sooooo much to do in Istanbul. As a solo female traveler, I spent nearly a month there, and I hated leaving. It’s an amazing city!!

    • Hi there, I promise it’s not even a little bit scary. However, if it’s not for you, this city has no shortage of amazing activities.

  17. Wow, I WISH I had known about this when I visited Istanbul a few years back. What a cool experience! And I love the pics you got. Definitely adding Kubbe to my list for when I get to return to Istanbul!

    • Hi there … I really appreciate your incredibly kind words! I had so much fun at the Kubbe! If you are up for a bit of an adventure, then you will love this place!!!

  18. Kubbe looks so beautiful! I was supposed to go to Turkey at the end of April, but it got postponed to next year. It looks so dreamy and I cannot wait to go. 🙂

    • Hi there … Ugh, I know it’s so frustrating having travel put on hold. I feel the exact same way!! However, when you do go to Istanbul, this experience is awesome 🙂

  19. Great post. Everything is perfect with the landscape view and seagulls. I imagine myself there, it lifted my spirit right now. That’s epic. Thanks for sharing.

  20. It certainly looks like a beautiful place and those are some impressive photos. Not sure how scared I would be with all those seagulls dive bombing me though and raw chicken flying everywhere. But what a wonderful experience

    • Hi there … even if you don’t visit the Kubbe, Istanbul is an amazing city! The seagulls are a lot of fun, but there are plenty of things to do if this activity isn’t quite for you. Cheers!

    • Awwww, thanks so much …. that is incredibly sweet of you! The Kubbe is definitely a bit adventurous, and I loved it. When you visit, have fun!!

  21. I have never been to Turkey nor heard of Kubbe before but will definitely be adding this to my bucket list. The experience is so unique and your photos are stunning!

  22. My last big trip was Istanbul just before this pandemic erupted. So Istanbul is very memorable to me. I guess, I visited this place Kubbe but never knew its name before. But you have taken stunning photos.

    • I was there in 2019, and I fell in love with this city! I agree that it is quite a memorable destination. Thank you for you thoughtful words. They are greatly appreciated!

  23. Oh my goodness, how cool! That is such a picture perfect little spot. I’ve seen this before but didn’t know exactly where it was — love it!

    • Hi there. I hate when people won’t share their location, so I always say where I am. If you visit the Kubbe, you will love it!!

    • Hi there! I agree … I am absolutely smitten with Istanbul. It is by far one of my favorite destinations. Happy travels, my friend!

  24. Kubbe looks like such an interesting experience. I’m not sure I would enjoy being with all the seagulls but it looks different!

    • I actually loved the seagulls, and it’s a really cool experience. However, Istanbul is overflowing with exciting experiences if this isn’t quite the right one for you. I love this city!

    • Hi there. The entire experience is fun … the rugs, the singing, the view. Yes, you will get pooped on … there is no way around it. Wash your hands immediately. But, it’s one of those things that is an adventure!

  25. I have seen this spot on Instagram and have been dying to visit the Kubbe. Such great details and info about the location. Hoping to make it back to Istanbul soon, so pinning so I have this guide when I go. Great post!

    • Hi there. Yes, it’s a really cool experience, so I hope you visit on your return trip to Istanbul. If you are up for an adventure, you will have an amazing afternoon at the Kubbe!

  26. This is amazing! I have seen photos like this before, and you’re right that I automatically associated it with the famous hot air balloon pics in Cappadoccia. Thanks for all the insider info on how to visit!

    • When you visit, I hope you find this helpful. I hate when people are stingy when describing what a place is really like. The Kubbe is an afternoon well spent!

  27. This reminds me a bit of the rooftop respites in Moroccan medinas where mint tea and snacks were on offer. I didn’t have the seagulls but there were plenty of those ( and cats) at the ground levels. Drawing the seagulls in with the raw chicken seems to be a good plan for the Kubbe.

    • I know what you mean … even though this is in Turkey, there is definitely a bit of a Moroccan vibe. It sounds like you have had some wonderful experiences. Happy travels and thank you for sharing!

  28. Hi, do you know exact address to look for it on Google maps and is this free to come up there with all the rugs etc? Or you need pay

    • Hi. I just Googled it. As for the rugs and all of that, yes, it’s a small fee. An old gentleman walks around singing and they give you Turkish coffee. And, it feels more like an experience.

  29. Is this place still open? I see on Google reviews that it is permanently closed, but you can go to the cafe next door for a similar view? Please help! Thank you.

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