Why visit Bruges?
A bunch of friends called me before I went to Bruges to gush over the insane beauty of the city. Initially, I found this a bit odd, because no other place I visited warranted such a strong reaction. Now, I understand what all the hullabaloo was about. Yes, Bruges is even more jaw dropping than everybody says.

The colorful buildings along the canal look like something out of a movie. In terms of beauty, Bruges is the real deal. I was so blown away that I could not stop staring. Certainly, this is a natural reaction for any traveler, but Bruges takes things to the next level.

In fact, Bruges is such a showstopper that locals love to brag that it was too gorgeous for Hitler to bomb. I assume this had more to do with a small population and the city not being as strategically important as its neighbors. However, the buildings are original, and they sure look amazing.
Interactive museums
The city has some awesome museums that are anything but boring. The French Fry Museum might have been small, but the sentiment was so quirky that I couldn’t help but fall in love.

The Bruges City Museum was purposely a little campy; however, it was an absolute blast. I dressed up as a former monarch (see photo), and I walked through fun, informative displays. At the conclusion of the tour, I paid a few extra euros to take the virtual reality experience. it was awesome!
The Bruges town square.
Particularly when it’s lit up at night, the Bruges town square is impossibly picturesque. During the day, the bold colors really pop and scream, look at me. However, the area looks like a painting when the sun goes down. I can describe it to you all I want but seeing it in person is another matter entirely. It is special.

Beer brewed by monks.
During this trip, I joked that spending a few weeks in Belgium changed what nobody else could during college. Meaning, everyone in my life has tried to make me a beer drinker, and it never really took. However, Belgian beer is different from the ales of my past. And, drinking at Le Trappiste, an 800 year old medieval bar, is cool.

First off, please be careful, because this beer is crazy strong. I didn’t really understand this concept, and I couldn’t figure out why I felt lightheaded after only a few beers. I now understand that drinking 3 beers with 12% alcohol will get you wasted in no time flat.
Le Trappiste is set in the basement of a cellar in Bruges, and it almost feels like a crypt, but in a good way. It’s a little tough to find at first, but it’s worth it. The expansive bar has cathedral style ceilings that arch the expanse of the space.
The beer is brewed by monks, and I just thought this was the most unique thing ever. All of this was new to me, and the staff kept letting me sample different brews until I found what I liked. Apparently, caramel, chocolate and cherry notes are my thing.

Additionally, Le Trappiste is ideal for solo travelers. It’s the kind of place that is frequented by groups of Bruges locals, but they expect tourists to invade their bar. By the end of the night, I made several friends, and I feel like that’s pretty typical of most nights here.
The city’s biggest claim to fame will always be its good looks. But, the quirky museums and crypt chic bar make Bruges irresistible.